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Hail Report  
Hail Report Information
Station Number: CO-EP-378
Station Name: Peyton 9.2 SSW
Date: 7/7/2024 5:20 PM
Submitted 7/07/2024 5:31 PM
Taken at registered location: True
Notes: Hail was landing approx. 3" to 5" apart. Grape to marble was first then pea to bb size then back to rain. We had 0.25" of rain out of first wave at 2:30 pm. We have had at least 0.11 " more. The wind is avg. 4 mph with gust to 7 mph, it has been out of the east. Temp. is 56 degrees. High ad been 74 degrees. Dewpoint 55 degrees.
Hailstone Information
Largest Size: 1/2" Grape
Average Size: 1/4" Pea Size
Smallest Size: Rice
Stone Consistency: Hard, White Ice
Hail Storm Information
Duration Minutes: 2
Duration Accuracy: 1min
More Rain than Hail: False
Hail Started: After rain
Largest Hail Started: Before smaller hail
Damage: no damage
Hail pad information
Angle of Impact: 10-20
Number of Stones On Pad:
Distance Between Stones On Pad:
Depth Of Stones on Ground:
Has Samples: False