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Showing 1 - 50 of 143 Records. <Back  Page   Next>
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
3/23/2025  AL-HN-7 ALHenry Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Leaves and grass appear healthy—soft, not brittle.  View
3/23/2025  AL-WN-7 ALWinston Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
Soils remain mildly wet thanks to recent, but light, rainfall. Plants continue to emerge from dormancy and healthy. Fire risk and dust activity is low, but pollen activity is high.  View
3/23/2025  AZ-NV-42 AZNavajo Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Back to dry weather with no precipitation falling last week with a couple of systems going to the north that only produced some windy days. High temperatures started off in the 60's before dropping into the upper 40's for a couple of days mid week and then back to the 60's. The high of the week was 68° on Monday. Lows ranged from a low of 17° on Thursday to 40° on a couple of mornings. The surrounding wildland areas are still brown and no growth on trees but plant life in the yard continues to come to life. Hyacinths are in full bloom and several other perennials are sprouting back to life. Dark-eyed Juncos, Cassin's finch, and Scrub Jays continue to frequent the yard. Smelled a skunk but no other wildlife seen.  View
3/23/2025  AR-CR-23 ARCarroll Moderately Dry Agriculture
Agriculture. Grazing operation. Ponds are losing depth. Grass is still green but slow to grow. Windy conditions further affecting dry conditions negatively. Nearby wildfires have burned acreage and buildings, some really affecting air quality too. Still feeding hay to animals. Haven't needed to mow the yard yet.  View
3/23/2025  AR-PL-1 ARPolk Mildly Dry General Awareness
It is a bit drier than usual for the time of year. We’ve had 0.01” of rain in the past week and 1.11” in the past 2 weeks. Temperatures have been warm and humidity has been low. Fire danger is high and there have been burn bans placed. Winds have been very high as well. Soil moisture and streamflows are below average but lack of moisture is not affecting plant/crop growth yet.  View
3/23/2025  CA-HM-84 CAHumboldt Moderately Wet General Awareness
Lawn still pretty soft to muddy  View
3/23/2025  CA-HM-199 CAHumboldt Mildly Wet Normal marine layer coverage.  View
3/23/2025  CA-HM-214 CAHumboldt Moderately Wet General Awareness
not able to do yard work, minor road floding. Slides affecting road travel. rivers high and muddy.  View
3/23/2025  CA-MD-42 CAMendocino Near Normal General Awareness
It rained a bit during the last week, but still only about 75% of normal for March. Still ahead for the water year at 111%. Lots of frogs still; no need to water yet.  View
3/23/2025  CA-MD-45 CAMendocino Moderately Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
About 1.5 inches since the last report, which is all to the good for the ground water supply, but also some wonderful sunny, mild days. Lots of spring flowers showing on the local hillsides and fields. Our gardens are starting to look lush again. Still many migrant birds in the gardens, feeding intensely for their upcoming trips. Lots of tourists in the area, for the on-going grey whale migration.  View
3/23/2025  CO-DG-329 CODouglas Near Normal General Awareness
Starting to see some greening-up of ground plants this week; otherwise, outdoor foliage appears to still have its Winter coat on...  View
3/23/2025  CO-EP-449 COEl Paso Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
We received 0.52" coming from about 5" of snow this week. Although with the strong wind, it was not an even coat of snow. So some areas only got a "T" while other spots got 5"+. More green grass and perennials are poking up. Robins are also making their appearance.  View
3/23/2025  CO-GR-52 COGrand Mildly Dry General Awareness
0.24" of precipitation in the past week. Short term we may be approaching near normal but long term we're still below average snowpack at this elevation.  View
3/23/2025  CO-HF-24 COHuerfano Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
No moisture for a couple of weeks; flocks of robins at the bird bath; a few cedar waxwings showed up for a few days; Japanese lilac starting to leaf out; buds swollen on most bushes and trees; many days with strong winds  View
3/23/2025  CO-LR-1272 COLarimer Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
I am very close to declaring my location Mildly Dry, but keeping it Near Normal for at least this week. There has been a lack of precipitation and with the high winds lately (last couple of weeks at least) the ground is starting to dry. I am seeing some green starting on the occasional grass and forb. No swelling on the buds of brush as of yet. The deer have come through a couple of times this past week browsing on currants and grass/forbs. Not much forage for them, but they look pretty healthy otherwise. Birds continue to frequent the birdbath in my back yard, mostly four of the common corvid species plus some dark-eyed juncos and a few nuthatches. Rivers still appear very low (I always wonder how the fish manage to survive in the pools that are left). Snowpack SWE is still in green, with 6-digit UHC South Platte River at 102% of median and 8-digit UHC Big Thompson River at 108% of median. So the snowpack SWE seems to support a normal winter thus far. There is still plenty of snow in the park (Rocky Mountain National Park) for most winter recreation activities, though the sledding hill at Hidden Valley is looking a bit ragged right now. No indication that fire danger levels have increased, though we are on a fire weather watch, mostly due to the high winds we are experiencing.  View
3/23/2025  CT-MD-21 CTMiddlesex Mildly Wet General Awareness
All water courses are slightly above normal seasonal levels.  View
3/23/2025  CT-NL-56 CTNew London Mildly Dry General Awareness
elevated fire risk today. Overwintered grasses and surface leaves are dry  View
3/23/2025  CT-NL-76 CTNew London Near Normal General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
Conditions this week are about normal for mid-to-late March. The stream near the station is back down to normal after the big storm early this week. Temperatures are now fairly consistently above freezing, and the funnel and measuring tube of the rain gauge are back outside.  View
3/23/2025  FL-BY-24 FLBay Near Normal General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
Tourism & Recreation
Water Supply & Quality
Just slightly over a quarter of an inch of rain over the past week. (.31") Basically you can say that there was no significant impact on our hydrological scale over the last week. The temps have been typical of our environment with highs in the mid to upper 70's and lows in the 50's. Spring break has begun and that is bumping up the tourist economy. I have nothing negative to say about our little space on the planet and I thank God for placing me in such a beautiful area. Y'all come visit and we'll be as hospitable as anyone who lives in paradise can be.  View
3/23/2025  FL-OR-40 FLOrange Moderately Dry General Awareness
Dry week with windy days mid-week. Definite fire danger with a few brush fires we handled.  View
3/23/2025  FL-ST-42 FLSumter Moderately Dry General Awareness
Report for the week of March 16 through March 23, 2025. High temperature for the week was 85°F on 3/19 and the low temperature was 36°F on 3/22/2025. We had 0.15" of rain for the week. The ground is dry and the vegetation is getting brown. There is a risk for wild fires. Trees pollen is at a moderate level. Outdoor activities are pleasant but allergies are at a high level due to the pollen.  View
3/23/2025  GA-DG-9 GADodge Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
So far this month we have seen 3.44" of rain where monthly Mar total should wind up being 4.63". Pollen season has been hitting full force, with the typical GA explosion of Springtime. Lots of songbird activity noted, plants and shrubs blooming. There have been several days of very low humidity and corresponding fire danger notices.  View
3/23/2025  GA-MD-5 GAMcDuffie Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Pond is still high. Plants are normal for the season. Soil has less moisture than last week.  View
3/23/2025  HI-KI-2 HIKauai Mildly Dry General Awareness
Relief, Response & Restrictions
Subtle changes in rainfall from week to week, this past week has been meager ... temps creeping up ever so slightly, dreading the return to warm temps ...  View
3/23/2025  ID-AD-9 IDAda Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
March 15-23, 2025; a trace more than a total of 0.50" rain distributed fairly evenly through the past 9 days. Fast moving weather systems have been moving through the area, rain in the valleys and snow in the mountains. Weather is generally warming, although there was one morning last week with a low of 24°F followed by morning lows in the 40's. Tree leaf buds are shedding shells, and some earliest bushes have full green leaves. Crown imperial fritillaria have emerged through the garden soil and are growing very rapidly. Grass is greening. Crocus flowers are out, and bees of many bee species are beginning be seen on flowers in the gardens and yards. Most days have been windy, either all day or strongest during mid-day then getting calm in evenings/overnight. Yard cleanup is several weeks behind this year but is slowly catching up. Birds and animals are very active in the yards and at feeders.  View
3/23/2025  ID-BK-27 IDBannock Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
General: We're doing really well on snow. We've surpassed our 25 year long-term snow-total (uncalibrated) average of 104.23", having reached 118.73" to date! This is good news! Agriculture: The snow is critical for dryland farming, so it bodes well for spring planting. Energy: Even on a cloudy day like yesterday our solar panel system produced more energy (59.07 Kwhr) than we used (54.02 Kwhr). Fire: Risk is low right now. Plants/wildlife: We saw a partridge this week! More woodpeckers, flickers, and spring birds are showing up. Water: Great news with the snow totals. This is important for recharge  View
3/23/2025  IL-AD-16 ILAdams Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
One little less than 1/2 inch of rain this past week. Things in the top soils are staying somewhat moist but with winds etc it all dries quickly. Getting some rain this morning and later this coming week it looks to be a more active period. Cross our fingers.  View
3/23/2025  IL-CP-1 ILChampaign Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Just a few hundredth this past week. Grass is starting to green up. Lilac bush has buds. Spring bulbs are emerging.  View
3/23/2025  IL-HY-30 ILHenry Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
This past week saw more rain and a little accumulating snow. Ground is soft so it absorbed the precipitation. This station at 119% of NOAA Monthly Normal, but still in the 80th percentile for both NOAA Year-To-Date and Water Year-To-Date, so I will still say it is mildly dry. Still have had fire hazard warnings for dry and windy conditions. Grass in my yard has started to green up and trees are budding out. Did see one farmer this week tilling and putting anhydrous down. I am sure most of the farmers are ready to get at it. Temps look to be near normal this week with a couple chances of rain. Hopefully, we will see that much needed precipitation forecasted.  View
3/23/2025  IL-JD-13 ILJo Daviess Severely Dry ponds have very little water in them, the small amount of rain evaporated in the sunshine and the wind,topsoil powder dry  View
3/23/2025  IL-KN-67 ILKane Near Normal General Awareness
Conditions are normal for this time of year. Lawns are starting to turn green. Early season plants are starting to sprout out of the ground and are green and healthy-looking.  View
3/23/2025  IL-KD-126 ILKendall Mildly Dry General Awareness
Made six spots six to seven inches deep checked for moisture and temperature. Moisture content, made a ball of soil the size of a base ball, it compacted well but would crumble apart when handled. The average temperature six to seven inches deep was 42 degrees. The soil is dry! As a U of Ill, Master Gardner flower and vegetable gardens and lawns will suffer if we do not get spring rain.  View
3/23/2025  IL-MCH-13 ILMcHenry Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
My station has had 1.20 inches of precip this week, and a small part of that was a 0.3 inch accumulation of snow on 3/20 - first day of spring. While the NOAA norms show my station at 154% of normal precip for the month, the norms show just 76% of normal precip for YTD. The week also saw gusty winds with a Wind Advisory issued on 3/19at 10am that expired 21 hrs later. The wind was so noisy the afternoon of 3/21 that it spooked our young dog. So I put her in her crate and played Spotify Relaxation Music for Dogs to block the wind noise - it worked. More Daffodils and Tulips are emerging, Snow Drops are in full bloom. Sandhill cranes continue to fly overhead.  View
3/23/2025  IL-MD-53 ILMadison Moderately Wet General Awareness
03/23/25: Up to yesterday afternoon conditions were near normal with turf dry and firm under foot, ponds high but receding. Drain tiles 12 to 18 inches deep not draining. After rain accumulation of 0.89 inches since early morning hours today turf is saturated and releasing water under foot. Ponds high and near to overflow. Drain tiles running significantly. Intermittent streams flowing. Standing water in low areas remain several hours after rain has stopped.  View
3/23/2025  IL-TZ-26 ILTazewell Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
I went away for 10 days and only had an accumulation of 0.40" to report for that period. With only a week left in March I am about a half inch below the March average but for the Prism water year I am about 4 inches down. So, while surface conditions look pretty good it is not enough for me to change my condition to Mildly Dry. Some spring bulbs are up and some of the early bushes and trees are starting to leaf out, I have a few sheltered daffodils, and six of them are blooming. The pond is full, with some overflow. The birds are starting to change into their breeding colors. The ponds' resident goose pair is making sure that everyone knows that they own the pond.  View
3/23/2025  IL-WF-14 ILWoodford Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
With a week to go in March we are already running just a few hundredths above normal for precip. Still, for the water year we are almost 6 inches below normal. Ground through the freeze thaw cycles we're seeing is significantly more firm than our normal mud season. The creeks are up a bit but the river remains quite low. The lawn and pasture are greening up nicely but still showing very little growth. Our cover crop rye is also greening up and starting to grow a little. Our prairie has enough cover from last year's growth that it is hard to see how much new growth is happening. The early woodies, unfortunately that is mostly autumn olive and honeysuckle, are just starting to leaf out.  View
3/23/2025  IN-MD-38 INMadison Mildly Wet General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Little to no standing water in the local fields. Local streams and rivers still appear at near normal levels. Local construction projects appear to be stalled due to the recent rain. Our Maple tree is still budding. Many bulbs are well above ground with growth. The grass is getting greener.  View
3/23/2025  IN-OW-9 INOwen Near Normal General Awareness
Normal conditions, no adverse affects  View
3/23/2025  IN-PR-3 INParke Mildly Dry General Awareness
some rain over past week chilly windy  View
3/23/2025  IN-PT-12 INPorter Mildly Dry General Awareness
No effect.  View
3/23/2025  IA-BC-9 IABuchanan Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Moisture for the week 0.33 inches and several traces. Things are trying to turn green in a few places. No field work being done this week. Wife is already planning garden, bought seed potatoes. Saw BEAUTIFUL double rainbow Friday evening, but only a trace of rain. Long lasting.  View
3/23/2025  IA-HR-16 IAHarrison Mildly Dry General Awareness
1.04 of precipitation last week, which included three inches of snow in a blizzard. snow has now melted except for piles, and some greening of lawns has began.  View
3/23/2025  IA-TY-2 IATaylor Near Normal General Awareness
Seems to me we are border line between mildly dry and near normal. Soil moisture is good, but we do not have the wet spots that we normally have in a lot of years.  View
3/23/2025  IA-WR-5 IAWarren Near Normal General Awareness
Back from running around the SW. Not changing the condition until I get a handle on what's going on. My raingage had only half an inch in it.  View
3/23/2025  IA-WB-17 IAWebster Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Over an inch of rain and about 9.4in of snow in the of the week. This past week has been warming as the week ends with nearly all the snow melted. No further deterioration in conditions. Lawns etc are greening, spring flowers starting to emerge a week or so behind last year. Rivers, lakes etc remain low but at slightly higher levels because of snow melt  View
3/23/2025  KS-RC-10 KSRice Mildly Dry General Awareness
Less than .10” of precipitation in March. Soil is dry, pond levels are falling. Supplemental watering of orchard and vineyard will need to begin. Fire risks are high, especially with recent wind events.  View
3/23/2025  KY-CM-3 KYCumberland Mildly Wet Agriculture
.24 inches of rain this week.  View
3/23/2025  KY-HR-10 KYHarrison Near Normal Plants & Wildlife
River is still up from the storms last week. Grass is green and daffodils and bloodroots are blooming. Bush honeysuckle and multiflora rose bushes are leafing out.  View
3/23/2025  MA-BA-57 MABarnstable Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
A good week hereabouts – a total of 2.42”. This brings month-to-date to 2.89”, but worth noting that PRISM average for March is 5.14” and we’ve only got eight days to go. Unlikely we’ll come close given forecast. Garden soil is reasonably moist but my usual “tell” areas absorbed all the rainfall quickly. Pond level is still slightly elevated but more normalized for this time of year (apparently, they were restricting some of the flow in order to improve the pond outfall, which is a herring run). First ospreys have arrived, first peepers have been heard, and Mama Swan is on her nest. Things are starting to green up, with buds popping, grass growing, and daffodils and crocuses starting to bloom.  View
3/23/2025  MA-BE-36 MABerkshire Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
More rain and warm temperatures early last week melted mountain snowpack and Basset Brook rose within its banks, dislodging logs that had been stranded on the stream bed for several years. Continued above normal temperatures and more rain later in the week eliminated the last remnants of the local snowpack. Garden soil dried enough by mid-week to allow plowing and I transplanted strawberry roots. Bears have again become active. Two of the plastic jugs that I use to collect maple sap were torn from the trees and each suffered multiple round puncture holes. First time bears have bothered my hobby maple operation. Sap flow has slowed and my operation is done for the year. Syrup harvest was about average. Crocuses are still flowering and daffodil flower buds are swelling. Wild leeks are sprouting on the mountainside. My pond is now ice free and vernal pools are full awaiting the appearance of salamanders and frogs. Greylock trails are very wet with lingering snow and ice at the highest elevations. Trails suffered significant erosion from the recent melt.  View
Showing 1 - 50 of 143 Records. <Back  Page   Next>