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Searched: Report date on 7/15/2024.
Showing 1 - 50 of 78 Records. <Back  Page   Next>
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
7/15/2024  AL-CN-17 ALCalhoun Moderately Dry General Awareness
Garden is wilting requiring irrigation now. Soil is dry and packed down below three inches.  View
7/15/2024  AL-MD-120 ALMadison Mildly Dry    View
7/15/2024  AL-MS-41 ALMarshall Moderately Dry General Awareness
High temperatures and lack of meaningful rain in last week resulting in a return to moderately dry conditions. Garden vegetation, landscaping and grass showing signs of stress. Grass beginning to show brown. Landscaping plants and garden vegetables need daily watering or they would most likely die.  View
7/15/2024  AK-MS-12 AKMatanuska-Susitna Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
What a difference a week can make!! We saw measurable rain all seven days with the Saturday afternoon to Monday morning event dropping 1.46 inches of rain. This rain plus the forecast rain for all this week should be enough to break the dry conditions and reduce the likelihood of wild-land fires. The moose remain MIA but the wild birds are very busy especially around my window feeder. Along with the precip has come much cooler temps with highs in just the middle fifties to low sixties and lows in the upper forties. At this halfway point in July's progression we've seen 1.88" of rainfall which is 2.2 times the amount I measured in June and 0.61% of July's average rainfall for this area. Of course, everything is damp and muddy but at least the wild-land fire threat is minimized.  View
7/15/2024  CA-OR-67 CAOrange Near Normal General Awareness
High, Thin overcast, Slightly warmish, Calm  View
7/15/2024  CO-CR-18 COCrowley Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Relief, Response & Restrictions
Society & Public Health
Water Supply & Quality
Now that there's been a little moisture, poisonous plants are effecting livestock with the added heat. Blister beetles are thick along with remaining grasshoppers and beetles. Kosha is drying up - nitrate issues. Ponds, low spots drying up - sulfate issues. Extreme heat advisories last few days. Nights are not cooling off. Electricity off in several areas in the evenings. Can almost hear the counter spinning on the electric meter. Evening lightening storms raise concerns of strikes causing fires. Would be a nightmare with how dry everything is now.  View
7/15/2024  CO-DL-54 CODelta Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
No rain in the past week. No rain in the past two weeks. Ground still has some moisture in it six inches down but less than last week.  View
7/15/2024  CO-GR-52 COGrand Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
The soil is showing cracks and the surface is hard like concrete. Some plants are burning. Forest Service and county wide fire danger has been high for days with public warnings, but no fire restrictions have begun yet although they need to.  View
7/15/2024  CO-GN-18 COGunnison Moderately Dry General Awareness
dry and heat is dropping soil moisture, at 10 cm deep (4"), from 27% to 14% since July 02 while 25% to 8% at 5 cm (2") depth.  View
7/15/2024  CO-JF-72 COJefferson Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Lawn baking and is crispy in a few unwatered spots in 100F heatwave. Tree leaves and pine needles looking healthy, though.  View
7/15/2024  CO-ME-69 COMesa Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Vegetation that is not irrigated in this proximity is very dry. In fact, there was a wildfire last evening about a half mile from this location. A third of an inch of rain fell at this location between 6/27/24 and 7/1/24. Since then, there has been no measurable rain.  View
7/15/2024  FL-AL-54 FLAlachua Mildly Dry Summer rains are failing here. The forecasters are missing something. Day after day they are giving us 30 to 50% chance but no thunderstorms develop. Somebody from the Jax station said both the Gulf and Atlantic are so warm that we are not getting our normal sea breeze convergence rains. We keep getting dry air from the continent The fronts keep coming too far down for the season.  View
7/15/2024  FL-MA-17 FLManatee Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Much below normal rainfall continues for this very dry micro region of West Central Florida. Monthly rainfall for July is around 3 inches below normal and yearly rainfall is around 8 inches below normal. Recent thunderstorms passed nearby but did not provide any significant rainfall here. 12 out of the 15 days in July had no rainfall.  View
7/15/2024  FL-PN-99 FLPinellas Near Normal General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
This past week brought us rainfall totaling 4.17”—our wettest week in a long, long time. Best of all, the rain was spread throughout five of days. Tourists weren’t happy—especially the visitors to our beach areas, but our vegetation is green again. Good indication that our rainy season is here.  View
7/15/2024  IL-DP-189 ILDu Page Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Despite recent rains, no standing water or areas of apparent saturation just below the surface. Brown spots of lawn have started to green slightly.  View
7/15/2024  IL-KD-126 ILKendall Moderately Dry General Awareness
Up until yesterday I've recorded 0.99 inches of rain for July. The soil has been really dry with cracks a 1/4 in wide around my one and a half acres. Had been watering gardens daily. This morning recorded 1.74 in it will help BUT need more moisture. A Master Gardener!  View
7/15/2024  IL-WL-131 ILWill Near Normal General Awareness
A warm & humid week's period that was drying things out. Grass was yellowing, shrubs required watering and the ground had cracks in it. Over the weekend, had a good thunderstorm pass through and flipped the MTD numbers from a deficit to a slight surplus. YTD and Water YTD numbers are still to the good.  View
7/15/2024  IL-WL-136 ILWill Near Normal General Awareness
We are about normal for summer. We have revived over 2" in the last 2 days. There was no runoff ponding on the farm. We were probably a bit dry before the rains of the last 2 days. our second cutting of hay is nice and green and growing good. This suggests we are near normal.  View
7/15/2024  IL-WN-10 ILWinnebago Moderately Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Over 2.5 inches of rain over the past two days. Corn in the fields are tasseling out and the silk is showing. Corn over 6-7 feet tall in some areas. Soybeans also looking good. Temperature in the high 80's to low 90's.  View
7/15/2024  IN-AL-106 INAllen Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Frequent rains the past week have gotten moisture deep into the soil. Plants have really perked up. Some fields are slightly flooded. Maumee River is high  View
7/15/2024  IN-LP-73 INLa Porte Moderately Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
After a week of nearly non-stop storm events, the ground is saturated. In the woods, the ground is extremely damp. The wetlands that are normal damp have some standing water in them. Areas of wild flowers, prairie grasses, and native plantings have over grown and are toppling over from the rain and extreme growth.  View
7/15/2024  IN-WS-14 INWashington Moderately Dry General Awareness
Some of our garden, even with watering, has just burned up and died. The showers just split and go north and south of us.  View
7/15/2024  IA-BT-11 IABenton Mildly Wet This morning brought in the usual july weather of high humidity heat and the tasseling of the field corn. Of course, storms are predicted for later in the day. Sufficient rains this past week good for all things growing in the outdoors and the challenge of keeping up with lawn mowing and weeds. Though there is plenty of grass, etc. for the deer to eat, they prefer my flowers in the house yard. I'm not a happy camper!  View
7/15/2024  KS-LV-4 KSLeavenworth Near Normal Crops and turf withstood the last few days of high heat. Little or no damaged is present. The elevated humidity and light winds minimalized drying.  View
7/15/2024  KY-CB-10 KYCampbell Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Current drought status D0 - ABNORMALLY DRY at KY-CB-10. During the past 45 days had only 45 percent of the normal rainfall. At Ky-CB-10, temperature have been about 2 degrees F above normal this summer so far. Over the past 2 weeks, the diurnal temperature range at KY-CB-10 has been relatively large and is even larger range than CVG airport slightly lower minimums and high maximums with indicates drought. The grass is brown in about 75 percent of the areas and has started to become a little greener the past several days. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of the trees are still showing signs of some wilting and drought stress. Soil is pulling away from foundations. The pond level is lower than normal. Streamflow is very low and almost nonexistent today in Campbell County except the Licking and Ohio Rivers. There are numerous ants on the sidewalks. Several bushes at the house across the street were very brown and almost dead several days ago are becoming lot greener this morning. Either they had watered their bushes yesterday or the rain had helped some. Several trees in the neighborhood have completely lost their leaves and are now bare. Several more trees are beginning to lose their leaves. The 1/2" of showers several days ago eliminated the lawn fire hazard for a few days and we got around 3/10" of rain today which help alleviate the drought conditions a little. Had to water my newly 4 month old planted trees and the 4 month old newly planted grass the past few days. I expect a high water bill during the next billing cycle. Currently Hamilton County in Ohio is near normal to mildly wet and is not in drought. Due to heavy rain, Boone county came out of drought yesterday and drought status now is NONE. Kenton and Campbell County went from D1 - MODERATE DROUGHT to D0 - ABNORMALLY DRY due to the rains the past week; but were not enough to eliminate the drought conditions.  View
7/15/2024  KY-LN-9 KYLincoln Mildly Wet General Awareness
Mildly wet.  View
7/15/2024  KY-MN-19 KYMadison Moderately Dry General Awareness
Too hot for many outside activities and becoming quite dry though still quite humid.  View
7/15/2024  ME-LN-1 MELincoln Mildly Dry General Awareness
.42 inches of rain for the last week. Most of the important rain or thunderstorms passed by to the northwest. Grass is mostly green but some brown areas showing. Stream is below normal. Garden soil is dry, especially the top 2 inches, needs water.  View
7/15/2024  ME-SM-3 MESomerset Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
3.05" weekly rain total, midsummer flowers in bloom - sweet william, hosta, wood lilies, stargazers, spiderwort, touch me not, deadly nightshade, early milkweed.  View
7/15/2024  MD-PG-50 MDPrince George's Severely Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Grass has really browned out. Dogwood tree leaves have turned brown. Watering regiment of flower beds and vegetable garden continues.  View
7/15/2024  MA-ES-12 MAEssex Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Soil condition seems to be near normal for this time of year despite the heat. Gardens, lawns and trees are doing well with the off and on light rains we have been getting. Local brook is low but that's normal fir this time of year. Feeders continue to be busy with birds, squirrels and a very large raccoon.  View
7/15/2024  MI-MB-70 MIMacomb Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Everything is good.  View
7/15/2024  MI-SW-12 MIShiawassee Moderately Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
And, like that, it is suddenly really wet here. Since last report a week ago, when it was still near normal, we got 3.85 inches of rain, most of it from the remnants of Beryl, and rain is still falling as I write this. The river was high all of last week, and I can only expect it to rise quite a bit more after receiving well over an inch of rain since 4 am this morning. Our yard is swamped, with rater running continuously into our private storm drain only recently installed in the lowest part of our side yard. Plants all seem to be quite happy, growing tall, lush and verdant. We still are getting more flowers this year that in recent years. The mosquitos are finally beginning to quickly populate after a late start. Birds have been eating a lot out of the feeders in the last week or two, and raccoons and other critters have been enjoying the feeder droppings. There seems to be an increase in deer traffic in the last week or so as well. More rain is expected today and over then next couple days, I imagine the trend will be somewhere on the wet side for a little while at least.  View
7/15/2024  MI-WY-33 MIWayne Mildly Wet General Awareness
garden ground is damp which is unusual for this time of the year  View
7/15/2024  MN-AA-196 MNAnoka Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Hot weather made watering the garden and pots necessary this past week. The little pond by us still has water, but cattails and other plants continue to take over. Has been a little too hot to do much outside work this weekend.  View
7/15/2024  MN-HN-14 MNHennepin Mildly Wet General Awareness
Frequent rain in the past week. Conditions are mildly wet. Lake levels are high. Major flooding is receding.  View
7/15/2024  MN-SH-39 MNSherburne Mildly Wet General Awareness
Cloudy now with light showers coming in later this morning.  View
7/15/2024  MN-WG-20 MNWashington Moderately Wet General Awareness
Business & Industry
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
Our rivers and lakes still have water over their banks, although the water levels are going down. There continue to be standing water in low lying areas of farm fields. A few water events have been canceled on the St. Croix River because of high water and debris in the river.  View
7/15/2024  MN-WR-48 MNWright Moderately Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Rainfall continues to be above average, with the ground able to absorb only about 1/2". I'm getting fully waterlogged soil after a typical 1/2" rain. We keep slipping back and forth between moderately wet and mildly wet. It is the wettest I've seen it in July since 2003 or so, likely even wetter than then. Mosquitoes were down most of the week, but the last few days have been heavy. I think raspberry bugs and potato beetles are no-shows this year, a silver lining to this wet weather. Hardly any potatoes came up, so maybe that's part of it. My raspberry bushes are dying due to the excess moisture, root disease I suspect. Japanese beetles are moderate (which is to say, normal populations after a light start). Trees seem to have recovered well. Grasses are still so-so, although they really need a break I think. Winds have been low, but there has been sun so it is drying reasonably fast. It just keeps raining though. We did have some heavy thunderstorms roll over with wind gusts aprox 50mph, and an incredible lightning show. The thunder was non-stop, a constant rumbleing highlighted by huge booms. Took some branches off the willow trees (that's my wind gauge), and bent my garden corn over, some rice sized hail for about 2-3 minutes. No damage other than that as far as I can tell. Best show in years, for sure. Ground is soft, and the farm fields around me are barely workable, with standing water is some fields still in mid July. Certainly is a weird year. At least I hope this is unusual, and not the new norm. Bird populations are extremely high this year. Not sure why.  View
7/15/2024  MS-HD-25 MSHinds Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Not a drought but no rain for a week and hot temps. Even with watering, plants and people are wilting.  View
7/15/2024  MS-JN-7 MSJones Mildly Dry General Awareness
Soil moisture is mildly dry several inches down from surface, using a shovel at random places around the property. Some areas harder to break through the crust.  View
7/15/2024  MO-JC-60 MOJackson Near Normal General Awareness
Local environmental conditions are near normal. A short dry spell occurred with more moisture moving in as early as Tomorrow influencing more wetness across the area.  View
7/15/2024  MO-JF-21 MOJefferson Moderately Wet General Awareness
Lots of rain last week causing river and flash flooding. But temps have been extremely high causing lots of drying time  View
7/15/2024  MT-RV-18 MTRavalli Severely Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
14 days since the last rain and that wasn't much. High temps way above normal (last 8 days above 90), and no end in sight. Unwaterered grass is brown, watering garden every day, native plants like snowberry and ninebark are drying up. Streamflows averaging about 50% of normal.  View
7/15/2024  NE-LA-19 NELancaster Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
A very dry week last week. Surface soil is dry. Plants showing some stress after having much water so far this summer. Surface waters still normal but ponds are dropping. Lawn irrigation is full blast. Extreme heat this wekend which is pushing us into mildly dry.  View
7/15/2024  NJ-MC-65 NJMercer Moderately Dry General Awareness
For the last week, much above average temps & only 0.48" rainfall. Heavy thunderstorms surrounded me yesterday but only 0.01" here. Lawn still over 50% yellow with severely stunted growth.  View
7/15/2024  NY-SF-92 NYSuffolk Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Over the past 7 days we have had a total of 1 inch of rain. One major event ands 3 or4 mini episodes. Very high humidity in the past week and hot weather. The garden seems to benefit, but I still need to supplement with irrigation. It’s uneven rainfall amounts and intensity.  View
7/15/2024  NY-WY-11 NYWyoming Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Partly sunny and hot with a passing shower, then mostly clear overnight, becoming cloudy before dawn. The high temperature was around eighty six degrees, and the low around sixty nine degrees Fahrenheit. Songbirds are eating a feeder full every two days. Bee Balm, Catnip, Chicory, Wild Bergamot, Saint John"s Wort, and Black Medick are blooming, Gardens need watering. Gooseberries, Red Currants, Red and Black Raspberries are ripening, Corn is 72 to 80 inches tall. Late planted short-season corn is around 24 to 36 inches tall. Planted alfalfa is around 15 to 24 inches tall. Second cutting of hay occurring.  View
7/15/2024  NC-CW-59 NCChowan Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
After 2.6" of rain in 4 days, conditions have improved dramatically. Squash plants have grown 2' since the rain started last Thursday. Pepper plants have also shot up. There is water in most ditches, although the yard is still soaking it up within 12 hours. Low spots that hold rain after storms during average precip. summers have no standing water. Late soybeans have filled in the fields nearby and the cotton has really grown. Rain may be too late for the silage corn. It is harder to define the location of the septic field based on the color of the grass. There were some reports of flooding in town and the northern part of the county. Summer league baseball had to cancel games due to wet field conditions.  View
7/15/2024  NC-DH-48 NCDurham Mildly Wet General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
During this past week, we received 2.19 inches of rain. For the month, we are close to being an inch over our monthly average. The low wet spot is damp. I could not find any Shagbark Hickory nuts on the tree. There are a number of green nuts on the ground. The Rose Bush hips do not look healthy. The Forsythia indicates good ground moisture. There is only one Gardenia blossom while a few weeks ago, it was covered in flowers. Everything is lush. We have been attracting a number of crows to the point one landed near us while we were sitting on our porch. He ate an apple piece in front of us and it was almost like we were not there. The feeders are very active now that the cicadas are all gone.  View
Showing 1 - 50 of 78 Records. <Back  Page   Next>