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Daily Precipitation Report  
Station Number: CAN-BC-157
Station Name: Alert Bay 0.1 WNW
Observation Date 11/30/2024 4:45 AM
Submitted 11/30/2024 4:53 AM
Gauge Catch
0.11 in.
Yesterday was overcast with a mix of short periods of light rain and drizzle and longer periods of no precipitation. It was breezy in the morning and afternoon, but became calm and warmer in the evening and overnight. The area just to our North & East is under a Rainfall Warning. And McInnes-Pine-Islands marine area is under a Gale Warning. Now it is raining, but warmer than it has been and calm.
Snow Information
24-hr Snowfall 0.0 in.
24-hr Snowfall SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
0.00 in.
24-hr Snowfall SLR
(Snow to Liquid Ratio)
Snowpack Depth 0.0 in.
Snowpack SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
0.00 in.
Snowpack Density NA
Duration Information
Precipitation Began --
Precipitation Ended --
Heavy Precip Began --
Heavy Precip Lasted --
Duration Time Accuracy --
Additional Information
Flooding --
Additional Data Recorded No