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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: ID-AD-9
Station Name: Boise 2.1 NNE
Report Date: 3/23/2025
Submitted: 3/23/2025 8:28 AM
Scale Bar: Near Normal
March 15-23, 2025; a trace more than a total of 0.50" rain distributed fairly evenly through the past 9 days. Fast moving weather systems have been moving through the area, rain in the valleys and snow in the mountains. Weather is generally warming, although there was one morning last week with a low of 24°F followed by morning lows in the 40's. Tree leaf buds are shedding shells, and some earliest bushes have full green leaves. Crown imperial fritillaria have emerged through the garden soil and are growing very rapidly. Grass is greening. Crocus flowers are out, and bees of many bee species are beginning be seen on flowers in the gardens and yards. Most days have been windy, either all day or strongest during mid-day then getting calm in evenings/overnight. Yard cleanup is several weeks behind this year but is slowly catching up. Birds and animals are very active in the yards and at feeders.
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality