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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: MA-BA-57
Station Name: Falmouth 5.7 N
Report Date: 3/23/2025
Submitted: 3/23/2025 7:50 AM
Scale Bar: Mildly Dry
A good week hereabouts – a total of 2.42”. This brings month-to-date to 2.89”, but worth noting that PRISM average for March is 5.14” and we’ve only got eight days to go. Unlikely we’ll come close given forecast. Garden soil is reasonably moist but my usual “tell” areas absorbed all the rainfall quickly. Pond level is still slightly elevated but more normalized for this time of year (apparently, they were restricting some of the flow in order to improve the pond outfall, which is a herring run). First ospreys have arrived, first peepers have been heard, and Mama Swan is on her nest. Things are starting to green  up, with buds popping, grass growing, and daffodils and crocuses starting to bloom.
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality