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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: NC-DH-48
Station Name: Durham 4.5 N
Report Date: 7/15/2024
Submitted: 7/15/2024 11:54 AM
Scale Bar: Mildly Wet
During this past week, we received 2.19 inches of rain.  For the month, we are close to being an inch over our monthly average.  The low wet spot is damp.

I could not find any Shagbark Hickory nuts on the tree.  There are a number of green nuts on the ground.  The Rose Bush hips do not look healthy.  The Forsythia indicates good ground moisture.  There is only one Gardenia blossom while a few weeks ago, it was covered in flowers.  Everything is lush.

We have been attracting a number of crows to the point one landed near us while we were sitting on our porch.  He ate an apple piece in front of us and it was almost like we were not there.  The feeders are very active now that the cicadas are all gone.
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife