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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: AK-MS-12
Station Name: Talkeetna 7.6 S
Report Date: 7/15/2024
Submitted: 7/15/2024 7:13 AM
Scale Bar: Near Normal
What a difference a week can make!!  We saw measurable rain all seven days with the Saturday afternoon to Monday morning event dropping 1.46 inches of rain.  This rain plus the forecast rain for all this week should be enough to break the dry conditions and reduce the likelihood of wild-land fires.  The moose remain MIA but the wild birds are very busy especially around my window feeder.  Along with the precip has come much cooler temps with highs in just the middle fifties to low sixties and lows in the upper forties.  At this halfway point in July's progression we've seen 1.88" of rainfall which is 2.2 times the amount I measured in June and 0.61% of July's average rainfall for this area.  Of course, everything is damp and muddy but at least the wild-land fire threat is minimized.
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife