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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: MN-WR-48
Station Name: Saint Michael 2.5 SSW
Report Date: 7/15/2024
Submitted: 7/15/2024 6:48 AM
Scale Bar: Moderately Wet
Rainfall continues to be above average, with the ground able to absorb only about 1/2".  I'm getting fully waterlogged soil after a typical 1/2" rain. We keep slipping back and forth between moderately wet and mildly wet. It is the wettest I've seen it in July since 2003 or so, likely even wetter than then.

Mosquitoes were down most of the week, but the last few days have been heavy. I think raspberry bugs and potato beetles are no-shows this year, a silver lining to this wet weather. Hardly any potatoes came up, so maybe that's part of it. My raspberry bushes are dying due to the excess moisture, root disease I suspect. Japanese beetles are moderate (which is to say, normal populations after a light start). Trees seem to have recovered well. Grasses are still so-so, although they really need a break I think. 

Winds have been low, but there has been sun so it is drying reasonably fast. It just keeps raining though. We did have some heavy thunderstorms roll over with wind gusts aprox 50mph, and an incredible lightning show. The thunder was non-stop, a constant rumbleing highlighted by huge booms. Took some branches off the willow trees (that's my wind gauge), and bent my garden corn over, some rice sized hail for about 2-3 minutes. No damage other than that as far as I can tell. Best show in years, for sure.

Ground is soft, and the farm fields around me are  barely workable, with standing water is some fields still in mid July. Certainly is a weird year. At least I hope this is unusual, and not the new norm.

Bird populations are extremely high this year. Not sure why.
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality