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CoCoRaHS Data Reports

Station Data Explorer
Searchable list of station history reports with a dashboard for each station.
Daily Precipitation Reports Searchable list of all daily precipitation reports.
Daily Comments Reports List of all daily reports with comments for a given day.
Significant Weather Reports Searchable list of all significant weather reports.
Multiple Day Accumulation Reports Searchable list of all multiple day accumulation reports.
Condition Monitoring Reports Searchable list of all condition monitoring reports.
Condition Monitoring Summary Charts The summary charts display information provided in condition monitoring reports to document changing on-the-ground conditions that are affected by precipitation, or a lack thereof. The data in the charts represent observers’ scale bar and condition monitoring category selections.
Evapotranspiration Reports Searchable list of all evapotranspiration reports.
Soil Moisture Reports Searchable list of all soil moisture reports.
Hail Reports
Days With Hail Reports This is a list of all days with one or more hail reports.
Search Hail Reports Searchable list of all hail reports.
Station Hail Reports This is a complete list of all hail reports for a station.
Summary Reports
Water Year Summary Reports This is a list of Station Water Year Summary Reports available for download.
Station Precipitation Summary Report This is a list of precipitation data entered into the database for a specific station for a given range of days. The report can be run for one to three stations at a time.
Station Snow Summary Report This is a list of all snow data entered into the database for a specific station for a given range of days. The report can be run for one to three stations at a time.
Station Water Balance Summary Report This is a list of precipitation and evapotranspiration data entered into the database for a specific station for a given range of days. The report can be run for one to three stations at a time.
Station Water Balance Chart A water balance chart is a graphical accounting system to track incoming moisture (precipitation) and outgoing (evapotranspiration). The chart is available for the stations that are observing evapotranspiration and precipitation.
Total Precipitation Summary This is a list of all reporting stations, their total precipitation for a given period of days, and the total number of reports for each station.
Rainy Days Report List of all the days in a given date range with the average precip, max precip, and the number of stations reporting non-zero precipitation or snowfall each day.
Water Balance Summary This is a list of all reporting stations, their total precipitation for a given period of days, and the total number of reports for each station.
List Stations List of stations by state and county.
PA FROST Data Reports
Frost Reports Searchable list of all frost reports.
Optics Reports Searchable list of all optics reports.
Snowflake Reports Searchable list of all snowflake reports.
Thunder Reports Searchable list of all thunder reports.