Station Data Explorer
Searchable list of station history reports with a dashboard for each station.
Daily Precipitation Reports
Searchable list of all daily precipitation reports. |
Daily Comments Reports |
List of all daily reports with comments for a given day. |
Significant Weather Reports |
Searchable list of all significant weather reports. |
Multiple Day Accumulation Reports |
Searchable list of all multiple day accumulation reports. |
Condition Monitoring Reports |
Searchable list of all condition monitoring reports. |
Condition Monitoring Summary Charts |
The summary charts display information provided in condition monitoring reports to document
changing on-the-ground conditions that are affected by precipitation, or a lack thereof.
The data in the charts represent observers’ scale bar and condition monitoring category selections. |
Evapotranspiration Reports |
Searchable list of all evapotranspiration reports. |
Soil Moisture Reports |
Searchable list of all soil moisture reports. |
Hail Reports
Days With Hail Reports |
This is a list of all days with one or more hail reports. |
Search Hail Reports |
Searchable list of all hail reports. |
Station Hail Reports |
This is a complete list of all hail reports for a station. |
Summary Reports
Water Year Summary Reports |
This is a list of Station Water Year Summary Reports available for download. |
Station Precipitation Summary Report |
This is a list of precipitation data entered into the database for a specific station
for a given range of days. The report can be run for one to three stations at a time. |
Station Snow Summary Report |
This is a list of all snow data entered into the database for a specific station
for a given range of days. The report can be run for one to three stations at a time. |
Station Water Balance Summary Report |
This is a list of precipitation and evapotranspiration data entered into the database for a specific station
for a given range of days. The report can be run for one to three stations at a time. |
Station Water Balance Chart |
A water balance chart is a graphical accounting system to track incoming moisture (precipitation) and outgoing (evapotranspiration).
The chart is available for the stations that are observing evapotranspiration and precipitation. |
Total Precipitation Summary |
This is a list of all reporting stations, their total precipitation for a
given period of days, and the total number of reports for each station. |
Rainy Days Report |
List of all the days in a given date range with the average precip, max
precip, and the number of stations reporting non-zero precipitation or snowfall
each day. |
Water Balance Summary |
This is a list of all reporting stations, their total precipitation for a
given period of days, and the total number of reports for each station. |
List Stations |
List of stations by state and county. |
Frost Reports
Searchable list of all frost reports. |
Optics Reports |
Searchable list of all optics reports. |
Snowflake Reports |
Searchable list of all snowflake reports. |
Thunder Reports |
Searchable list of all thunder reports. |