Coordinator Resources



Thanks for volunteering!  As a Local Volunteer Coordinator you are an integral part of the CoCoRaHS Network and are truly appreciated. You are our primary contact with our many volunteers.

Whether you are a new coordinator, or have been contributing your efforts for many years, you will find this a comprehensive resource to help you be effective in your local community.


Local Coordinator Description and Duties

As a CoCoRaHS Local Coordinator you will have several responsibilities within your local county and community.  You play a key role making CoCoRaHS a success right where you live. Click here "Coordinator Description and Duties" for more information.


Using the Admin Section on the Web site
As a Local Volunteer Coordinator, you have a special permission on the CoCoRaHS Web site called the "Admin Section".  From here you can view all the observers in your county along with their contact info (we ask that this info be kept confidential).  This is a valuable tool to see if any new observers have signed up or to just send out encouraging e-mails to your counties observers.  Click here "Using the Admin Section" to learn more.

Using the Web site to see Who's reporting and Who's not in your County
A great tool to see who is actively reporting precipitation in your county and who's not is the "View Data" section of the Web site.


Volunteer Observer Training Power Point Available On-line
Our Volunteer Observer Training Power Point gives the volunteer observer an overview of CoCoRaHS and in-depth training in visual form on how to measure rain, hail and snow.  The presentation also includes sections on how to use the Web site for reporting data and answers frequently asked questions.  Click here Volunteer Observer Training Power Point to view.

Training Sessions
We highly encourage that on a time to time basis coordinators hold training sessions within your county for new observers.  These may be taught by yourself or if you are not comfortable in doing so, by someone else (contact your state coordinator for information on the name of someone who can help you in your area). Using the training power point it is very easy to lead your audience step-by-step on how to be a effective CoCoRaHS observer.  Click here for more info: "Training Session Tips".


Distribution of Rain Gauges and Hail Pads

Please check with your state coordinator regarding the availability of rain gauges and hail pads (state dependent) in your area.  Some counties in several states may have "sponsored complimentary" rain gauges available on a limited needs basis. We strongly encourage volunteers to use the CoCoRaHS 4" plastic rain gauge.  It has proven time and again in our studies to provide the most accurate measurements.


Recruiting Ideas
As a local volunteer coordinator you will naturally want to share CoCoRaHS with others in your county and communities.  For a ideas that others have been successful with click here "Recruiting Ideas" (coming soon)

Special Events and Trainings in Your Area
From time to time you will want to publicize special events (observer appreciation picnics, potlucks, field trips, etc.) and trainings which may take place in your area.  Check with your state coordinator, as you can be the catalyst to get these started.  When you have an event scheduled, contact your state coordinator and they will post it on your state's page.  Click here to view the list of
"State Pages"

Sample Press Releases
Interested in getting the word out to your local newspaper or other news outlet.  We have several sample press releases that you may want to view and use as examples for your local area. Click here to view "Sample Press Releases"

Sample Letters
From time to time local coordinators may want to contact local sponsors for donations, use of facilities or just to thank them.  We have put together some sample letters (which you can customize) to get you started. Click here to view "Sample Letters" (coming soon).

Use of the CoCoRaHS Logo
The CoCoRaHS logo is registered with the state of Colorado.  You may use it for your events and CoCoRaHS publicity.  We ask you not to alter it in any way when using it to represent the Network.  You may download the logo by clicking on "CoCoRaHS Logo" (coming soon).

Local Volunteer Coordinators across the Country
There are many folks doing just what you are in many states.  Click here "Volunteer Coordinators" to find out who your counterparts are and to share ideas with others.

Frequently asked Questions by Coordinators
As a new or even seasoned coordinator you are bound to have many questions.  Click here "Coordinator Questions" (coming soon) to see a list of those frequently asked (and the answers too!)

Coordinators Training Session (recorded on April 20, 2024)
Watch the recording on YouTubeAccess the PDF here.