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Multiple Day Accumulation Report
Station Number: KY-JF-10
Station Name: Pleasure Ridge Park 0.6 NNW
Obs Start Date: 9/18/2023
Obs End Date: 9/19/2023 1:10 PM
Submitted 9/19/2023 1:21 PM
Gauge Catch: 0.00 in.
Notes: The low and high temps on the 17th were 59F and 79F, respectively. The rain gauge was empty in the morning of the 18th. The skies overnight on the 18th were clear with mainly light W winds. The morning low temp was 56F. The skies became mainly mostly sunny through the morning into the afternoon with light W winds shifting to light North in the early evening. The afternoon high temp was 80F for a very pleasant September day. The dew point temps were mainly in the mid 50s in the afternoon cooling into the upper 40s by evening with drier air moving into the area. The skies overnight on the 19th were mainly mostly clear with a few high clouds passing through. The winds were calm all night. The morning low temp was 55F with dew point temps in the upper 40s to low 50s through the morning. Currently, at this obs, the temp is 76F with a dew point temp of 45F. The skies are mostly cloudy with a few low and some high clouds. The winds are light and variable at 3 mph. Another perfect September day but very dry dusty ground.
Snow Information
Snowpack Depth 0.0 in.
Snowpack SWE
(Snow Water Equivalent)
0.00 in.
Snowpack Density NA