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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: KY-JF-10
Station Name: Pleasure Ridge Park 0.6 NNW
Observation Date: 9/24/2018 8:12 AM
Submitted 9/24/2018 8:22 AM
Notes: Heavy rain, rain and light rain falling since the morning observation. Drainage easements in front and back yards are full, as well as the street in the front of the house. Our drainage is pretty good so it shouldn't cause too much of a problem as long as it doesn't continue too long. Waves of heavy rain are still occurring at this report.
Precip Duration Minutes: 102
Gauge Catch: 1.23 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 1.23 in.
Snowfall: 0.0 in.
Snowpack Depth: 0.0 in.
Flooding: Unusual