View Data : View Significant Weather Report

Significant Weather Report
Station Number: SC-DC-42
Station Name: Summerville 4.8 WSW
Observation Date: 5/24/2017 5:00 AM
Submitted 5/24/2017 5:35 AM
Notes: Incremental rainfall amounts since 5 p.m. normal reading time on Tuesday 5/23: At 8 p.m. = 0.47"; at 10 p.m.= 0.14", and at 5 a.m.= 0.31" for a total of 0.92". Grand total of 1.82" based on 5/22 reading at 5 p.m. of 0.24", 5/23 reading at 5 p.m. of 0.66", and 5/24 5 a.m. reading of 0.92"
Precip Duration Minutes: 720
Gauge Catch: 0.92 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 1.82 in.
Snowfall: NA
Snowpack Depth: NA
Flooding: Minor