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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: KY-JF-10
Station Name: Pleasure Ridge Park 0.6 NNW
Observation Date: 9/24/2018 11:13 AM
Submitted 9/24/2018 11:22 AM
Notes: Periods of heavy rain but mainly moderate rain continues to fall. Drainage easements in front and back yards continue to try to drain the rains away. Water in the street creates "rooster tails" as cars and trucks drive down the street. Cracks in my basement walls from earthquake damage years ago are weeping water and I must address this to keep the basement dry.
Precip Duration Minutes: 133
Gauge Catch: 0.66 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 2.40 in.
Snowfall: 0.0 in.
Snowpack Depth: 0.0 in.
Flooding: Unusual