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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: GA-OG-12
Station Name: Arnoldsville 3.7 SSW
Observation Date: 1/17/2018 9:15 AM
Submitted 1/17/2018 9:35 AM
Notes: Snow has just stopped now, but it started sometime before 5am. The 300 minutes is a guess, but the duration was certainly more than 240 minutes. At 7am 0.4" snow was measured with 0.05" melt. At 0915, a total of 1.0" snow was measured with additional 0.04" melt. Temperatures were 30F at 5am with a low of 25F by 0700, and that hasn't changed.
Precip Duration Minutes: 300
Gauge Catch: 0.09 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 0.09 in.
Snowfall: 1.0 in.
Snowpack Depth: 1.0 in.