Weather Talk Webinar #73


Webinar #73 - Thursday, November 5, 2020

Commercial Weather Sector Innovation: Its Evolution in the Great American Weather Enterprise 
Joel Myers
Founder, CEO & Chairman

State College, PA


Since he started forecasting the weather in the 1950s, AccuWeather Founder and CEO Joel Myers has witnessed profound progress in the ability of the American Weather Enterprise to provide more specific, more accurate and more useful weather forecasts, warnings, and data, and communicating these with increasing value, thereby saving countless lives, enhancing the national and global economy, and improving the quality of life for billions of people.

These incredible advancements are due to the dedication and numerous innovations in all three sectors – academia, government, and America's Weather and Climate Industry – enhanced by the partnership that has developed between the sectors, and the important role of the American Meteorological Society in facilitating this understanding.

In this presentation, Joel will review key innovations and contributions to this success from the three sectors and especially America’s Weather and Climate Industry. He will examine some past events where weather changed history and address the challenges of the future as we face dramatic changes and transformations in technology and society.

View the Webinar by clicking here: Commercial Sector

View Joel's presentation slides  



real feel temperature


The Signal and The Noise


Fair Weather: Effective Partnership in Weather & Climate Services


In Celebration: American Weather Enterprise Collaborating to Protect Lives and Property