WxTalk Webinar #9


Webinar #9 - Thursday, August 23, 2012

Extreme Rainfall, How We Analyze It and How The Data is Used

Bill Kappel - Applied Weather Associates, Monument, Colorado


This webinar will detail the 200 plus extreme rainfall analyses we have completed over the past 10 years.  This will include how the storm analyses are completed, how rainfall data is gathered and used, and what the results of the analyses look like.  Further, information  about who uses this information and how it is used will be discussed.  Special topics to be discussed include: Probable Maximum Precipitation-what is it, how is it derived-who uses it; Hurricane Irene bucket survey process and results, unique characteristics of rainfall during the Southwest Monsoon, Atmospheric River storms along the West Coast, differences in rainfall characteristics of extreme storms along the Front Range versus the Midwest, and the importance of accurate COCORAHS data.

View the Webinar by clicking here: http://youtu.be/8vtJILNIjJ4

Take a look back at the world record rainfall in Smethport, PA in 1942, 30.80" in just 4.5 hours.  Here's the link: http://www.meteo.psu.edu/~nese/wxyz_Jul1812_SmethportRevisited.mp4


Atmospheric Rivers

Applied Weather Associates

Metstat, Inc-real-time precip/ precip frequency data

NWS PMP and Precip Frequency Documents

NWS Precipitation Archive/Current Data (Daily)

NWS Precipitation Archive/Current Data (Hourly/Daily)